HPV In Men

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Men can also be infected with the human papilloma virus. There are various infections which can occur, benign and cancerous.

Cutaneous warts, plantar and flat warts are skin infections, they are spread through touch and skin to skin contact. Both men and women can be infected.

Genital warts are caused by HPV types 6 and 11. Sexual contact with an infected individual is believed to be the mode of spread.

Immunocompromised men, especially those with HIV,  men with another male as a sexual partner are particularly vulnerable to developing an HPV related cancer.

Anal cancer is particularly seen in these individuals.

Penile cancer can be HPV associated as well.

Squamous cell cancer of the head and neck shows a strong association with HPV, especially HPV type 16. Cancers of the oropharynx, of the tonsil and of the tongue are generally seen with HPV infection. The mode of spread is sexual contact, especially when it is between two males, and is linked with high risk sexual behaviour.

Vaccination against HPV infection in males provides excellent protection. It especially reduces the risk of developing an HPV related malignancy.

HPV prevalence in males can be as high as 73%. The risk factors for contracting HPV is high risk sexual activity, multiple partners, an immunocompromised status, HIV infection, lack of condom usage during intercourse, the circumcision status, prior history of a sexually transmitted infection which increases risk for HPV and homosexual status.

Circumcision is believed to reduce the risk of contracting HIV.

Heterosexual men can also contract HPV, although their risk is believed to be lower.

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